Friday, May 13, 2011

Time, where are you?

Oh yeah, the blog. Ashley here:

We have little over a month left before our first official vending adventure. Are we ready? Haha.... oh that's funny.

Well, we're close. Ish. Our inventory is small. At this point we have close to 30 masks completed and in the works. The tent has been secured. We have our staff. We JUST got our mask displays, which look completely awesome. Custom made! f-yeah *power fist pumpage*

At this point, the list of things to do before we are ready for FW:
-Make a lot more masks. A lot more.
-Get a fire extinguisher
-Get fire retardant spray
-Get an extension chord and a serge protector
-Invest in some sort of mirror(s)
-Invest in some bamboo flooring? That roll up kind that you see on beaches.
-See Harry Potter
-Kiss our boyfriends some more
-Make more masks
-Train ze staff
-Make masks
-Make key chains
-Oh and more masks. That would be good.

Soon, I'll be cutting out some significant boyfriend time (sad face) to add another Mask day to the schedule. Eve and I are pretty awesome about picking vacation time haha. She has her 3 year anniversary with Mike next week, and 2 weeks after, I'm going to Vegas to celebrate Frank's 21st b-day. Then we have about a week before faerieworlds.

BUT HEY I QUIT MY JOB! So that should open up more time.
Still, I sort of have this strange mix of "omgfuck what if this doesn't work out" and "omg yaaay! Yippie skippy! Nothing can go wrong in the faerie realm la la la la la *skips over a rainbow*"

Really, we're going to rock it no matter what.

Oh heyyy, so in other awesome news... People are starting to invite us to vend at their festivals! The Berkeley Pagan Festival is on our list for next year! We went this year, but just sort of showing off the masks on our faces. They got a LOT of attention. As in, we'd be looking through booths and people would come in the booths to check out our masks instead of what was being sold at the booth. I left early, but Eve stuck around with our buddy, Keenan. A woman approached them and well guess what? The masks are tentatively going to be appearing at the Berkeley World Music Festival! Sweet. Could it get better? WHELP, I THINK SO. Keenan and Eve hit up the Berkeley Hat Shop, and the manager want's to buy some masks to sell in the shop. 

Hokay, what. We're seriously not even trying. These masks are like magnets. Magical, beautiful, delicious, magnets of amazing.

See why I quit my job?

Anyway, have some new mask designs:

Gorgeously modeled by Eve! :)